South Africa and Botswana now visa required

From Wednesday 10th of July citizens of South Africa and Botswana will be required to obtain entry visas before travelling to the Republic of Ireland. Temporary transitional arrangements will be implemented where persons have already booked their travel however the arrangements must have been made before the 10th of July and only apply to travel [...]

2024-07-24T13:09:04+00:00July 9th, 2024|Visa Applications|

Suspension of Minor Re-Entry Visas

The Department of Justice has announced that it is suspending re-entry visa requirements for children under the age of 16 years with immediate effect. In Ireland, non-EEA nationals who are aged over 16 and who hold a valid immigration permission to live in Ireland are issued with an Irish Residence Permit (IRP card).  Holders of [...]

2022-06-17T09:59:29+00:00June 17th, 2022|Visa Applications|

Extension of 5-year multiple-entry short-stay visa

The Minister for Justice, Ms Helen McEntee, has announced that the Department of Justice is extending the five-year multiple-entry short-stay visa option to all visa-required countries.  This means that persons who are applying for a short-stay visa to Ireland, for example, to visit family or for business purposes, can now apply for a multiple-entry short-stay [...]

2022-05-03T09:43:55+00:00April 25th, 2022|Visa Applications|

Further update on Visa Applications to Ireland and expiring IRP cards

Immigration Service Delivery FAQ Document 12th of June 2020 – further update on Visa Applications to Ireland and expiring IRP cards. The Immigration Service Delivery released yet another FAQ document regarding the Impact of Covid-19 on Immigration and International Protection on the 29th June 2020.  We appreciate how confusing all of these updates are to [...]

2020-11-25T12:41:30+00:00July 1st, 2020|Visa Applications|

Statement – Jones v Minister for Justice & Equality

The Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service posted an updated statement on the INIS website yesterday the 11th of September from the Minister for Justice and Equality concerning the processing of citizenship applications and what the government is doing to remedy the catastrophic findings of the High Court in the case of our client Roderick Jones [...]

2020-09-07T10:34:49+00:00September 12th, 2019|Immigration Law, Visa Applications|

What Happens After Being Granted a Certificate of Naturalisation

The 29th of April 2019 was an important day for 2400 individuals from over 90 countries who were granted certificates of Irish Naturalisation thus becoming Irish citizens. Sinnott Solicitors were well represented at the ceremony, with a large number of our clients becoming Irish citizens on this date. The grant of Irish citizenship is a [...]

2020-09-03T13:09:03+00:00May 24th, 2019|Immigration Law, Visa Applications|
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