Temporary Reopening of Meat Processing Operatives Quota
The Employment Permit Regulations 2017 introduced a quota of 300 General Employment Permits for Meat Boners to work in Ireland. On the 1st of February 2021, the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, announced that the quota had been filled as a result of which no new employment permits would issue for meat boners.
On the 3rd of August 2021, the Department posted a notice on their website advising that a small number of employment permits which had issued for meat boners had been cancelled and under there circumstances they have re-opened the employment permit application process for meat boners. The Department did not confirm how many permits are available to issue and under these circumstances we would advise any interested parties to apply immediately as it appears that the application window may only be open for a short period of time and will close again once the maximum of 300 permits have issued. The full notice is available to read here.
Public Consultation on Review of Employment Permit Occupation Lists
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment opened the consultation process on the review of occupations which are listed on the Critical Skills Occupations List and Ineligible Occupations List on the 1st of July 2021. The consultation process, invites submissions from interested parties with respect to amendments of these lists, including the removal or addition of certain occupations.
It is an important process, allowing many employers who are struggling to secure staff in certain sectors the opportunity to have their opinion considered as to why specific roles should become eligible to be granted employment permits or added to the Critical Skills List.
Submissions must be submitted on a standard application form which is available to download on the following link and should be emailed to the empu@enterprise.gov.ie by 5pm on Thursday the 5th of August 2021.
With offices in Dublin and Cork, Sinnott Solicitors have a dedicated team of Immigration Solicitors and Consultants who are experts on all Irish immigration matters including Irish Employment Permits and Employment Visas. If you have any queries on the contents of this article, or require assistance with your employment permit application, do not hesitate to contact our offices today on info@sinnott.ie or 014062862.