Neonatal & Birth Injuries
In order to bring a claim for medical negligence for labour-related injuries, there must be damage and/or loss suffered as a result of the injury and negligence must be present.
Pregnancy and birth medical negligence has become very common in Ireland in recent years. Whilst most pregnancies proceed without any difficulty, we have come across a number of cases where injuries to babies arose or birth injuries to the mother arose during the course of the labour or beforehand.
This type of litigation is extremely difficult for parents and taking this type of case is a slow and tedious process for both parents and the Solicitors.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of cases that we have come across:
Birth injuries to mother
- Unnecessary C-section
- Perennial tears
- Wrongful death
- Epidural injuries
- Episiotomy
- Symphisiotomy
- Undiagnosed preeclampsia

Injuries to babies during the birth process
- Cerebral palsy
- Brain injuries
- Wrongful death
- Deafness due to prolonged labour
- Injuries arising due to prolonged labour
- Shoulder dystocia
- Hip injuries
- Erbspalsy
- Spinal cord injuries
- Facial paralysis
Ireland currently has the EU’s top birth rate and we are glad to report that Ireland has the second lowest death rate. In 2014 there were 14.4 deaths per every 1,000 residents in Ireland and Ireland saw a rise in populate of 8.1% in 2014 because of the number of babies born. Inevitably negligence will occur before and during childbirth and it is important that the victims of negligence and birth related injuries are compensated adequately for their injuries and loss.
Get the compensation you deserve
Sinnott Solicitors are located in Dublin & Cork