I felt that I should write to you one more time in order to properly express my appreciation of your firm’s outstanding service. I was very disappointed when my 2016 FBR application was turned down. I had studied the guidelines carefully and was convinced that I was entitled to Irish citizenship. It was my great fortune to discover your website when I was scratching my head about what to do next. Your positive response to my query and your can-do approach was exactly what was needed at the time, and I wish now that I had known to consult you at the very beginning. I am also mindful of the very generous reduction of your standard fees in my case.
Having had my EU citizenship abruptly removed through no fault of my own, this application seemed the obvious step to take, but as I researched and thought about my family history, it became a question of identity as well. That’s why I was so disappointed at the initial rejection and why I am so delighted at our success now. It is about so much more than just having a red passport (important though that is). Now I can hardly wait for the travel restrictions to end so that I can visit Ireland again.
I need hardly add that I will give Sinnott Solicitors the highest recommendation if the opportunity arises. I will never forget what you have done for me Carol and I remain, your firm’s most satisfied client.