Further to commitments under the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 a new eForm has released on a trial basis by the Department of Enterprise and Innovation for making applications for employment permits. This single eForm is designed to improve the user experience and will replace all the current application forms. The new eForm will electronically guide the applicant through the making of an application and will simplify the process by only requiring the applicant to complete relevant questions for the particular permit type.
This eForm needs to be completed electronically, printed down and signed in the relevant areas and submitted by post with the necessary supporting documentation.
During this trial period any comments from members of the public or businesses in relation to the new eForm are very welcome by the Department of Enterprise and Innovation. These comments should be submitted to employmentpermits@djei.ie. Following the trial of the eForm, the Employment Permits Unit intends that only applications for employment permits completed on the eForm will be accepted and applications completed by hand on the forms currently available will no longer be accepted