About Aimee Whelan

到目前为止,Aimee Whelan已创建90博客条目。

Stamp 4 Eligibility Criteria

In November 2013 the practice of Stamp 4 support letters issuing by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment for Critical Skills Employment Holders was abolished.  Since then, persons applying for a Stamp 4 permission to remain on completion of a Critical Skills Employment Permit or Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors on a Multi-Site General Employment Permit [...]

2024-04-05T11:24:06+00:004 月 5th, 2024|劳工法|

Immigration Registration Changes for Meath, Kildare and Wicklow

As part of ongoing efforts to digitise and centralise immigration registrations, the Immigration Service Delivery have announced that from 8th April 2024 Irish immigration registration requirements for counties Meath, Kildare and Wicklow are as follows: First Time Registration Residents of Meath, Kildare and Wicklow registering for the first time will attend the Registration Office located [...]

2024-04-05T11:21:13+00:004 月 5th, 2024|移民法|

Irish Visa Requirements for Dominica, Hondurus and Vanuatu

The Minister for Justice has announced that from the 7th March 2024 citizens of Dominica, Honduras and Vanuatu are required to obtain an Irish visa prior to travelling to Ireland. To date, citizens of these countries have been able to travel to Ireland and seek permission to enter the State at the border without [...]

2024-03-07T10:18:57+00:003 月 7th, 2024|移民法|

Significant Changes to Employment Permit System for 2024

The Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail has announced significant changes to the Employment Permits system from January 2024. The main changes include: 11 Occupations added to the Critical Skills list 32 Occupations removed from the Ineligible Occupations list Salary threshold for General Employment Permits to increase from €30,000 to €34,000 per [...]

2023-12-21T12:51:09+00:0012 月 21st, 2023|劳工法|

Employment Permit Update regarding Stamp 4 Support letters – No longer accepted after 30th November

Immigration Service Delivery has just announced that from 30th November 2023, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) will no longer take applications for Stamp 4 Support letters. This will have an impact on Critical Skills Employment permit Holders and NCHC multi-site general Employment permit holders wishing to transfer to a Stamp 4 Immigration [...]

2023-11-22T10:34:09+00:0011 月 21st, 2023|劳工法|


司法部宣布,爱尔兰公民身份申请现在可以通过移民服务交付在线门户在线提交。对于已开始申请程序的申请人,将继续通过邮寄方式接受旧表格 8 和其他申请表上的纸质申请。出生未成年人的表格 11 申请流程 [...]

2023-10-23T11:47:16+00:0010 月 17th, 2023|移民法|

爱尔兰入籍仪式 2023 年 10 月 2 日

司法部宣布,下一次爱尔兰入籍仪式将于 2023 年 10 月 2 日在都柏林会议中心举行。对于那些焦急地等待获得爱尔兰公民身份的人来说,这是一个热切期待的消息。有趣的是,场地从传统的 [...]

2023-09-13T08:26:24+00:009 月 7th, 2023|移民法|


企业、贸易和就业部已启动对列入关键技能职业清单和不合格职业清单的职业进行审查的咨询程序。今天 6 月 26 日开始的磋商进程邀请有关各方就这些清单的修订提交意见,包括删除 [...]

2023-06-27T06:07:21+00:006 月 27th, 2023|劳工法|