Another day, another COVID-19 announcement – this time in relation to change of permission applications.

The Immigration Service Delivery have announced a temporary arrangement whereby applications for a change in certain immigration permissions can be submitted electronically to the Registration Office, Burgh Quay, Dublin 2.

Applications for a change in the following permissions are being accepted electronically:

  1. Stamp 1 (CSEP) to Stamp 4 – Where Critical Skills Employment Permit holders have completed two years on a CSEP and have  a valid Stamp 4 Support Letter from the Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation.
  2. Stamp 1 (EP) to Stamp 4 – Where Employment Permit Holder has completed 5 years working on the Employment Permit.
  3. Stamp 2 (student) to Stamp 1 – Where an തൊഴിൽ പെർമിറ്റ് has been granted.
  4. Stamp 2 (student) to Stamp 1A – Where a trainee accountant contract has been secured.
  5. Stamp 1,2, or 3 to Stamp 1G – As the Spouse of Critical Skills Employment Permit Holder.
  6. Stamp 1, 2, or 3 to Stamp 4 – As the Spouse of an Irish national.

Applications should be emailed to with supporting documentation. 

Applicants will need to satisfy all of the usual terms and conditions attached in order to change the relevant immigration permission. Applications should be submitted to the Burgh Quay email address, even where they are living outside of Dublin.

When Registration Offices re-open, individuals will be required to register the change in immigration permission with their relevant immigration office as normal.

The above announcement is most welcomed and gives some relief to individuals who are waiting to attend the relevant immigration office to change their immigration permission. Given that such persons will already have had the change in their immigration permission approved, we would submit that special arrangements should be put in place to facilitate a separate registration process which will free up appointments for those who have not been able to submit an online application for a change in immigration permission and other persons waiting for appointments, such as those registering in the State for the first time when offices reopen. 

Registration offices and in particular the GNIB in Dublin, had been struggling desperately to meet  the demand for appointments prior to the 20th of March when they closed temporarily and we are aware of many clients who had spent months trying to secure a GNIB appointment, which was subsequently cancelled. The additional backlog resulting from the COVID-19 closures, will result in further significant delays and appointment problems unless alternative arrangements are implemented.  

എല്ലാ ഐറിഷ് ഇമിഗ്രേഷൻ കാര്യങ്ങളും കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്നതിൽ സിന്നോട്ട് സോളിസിറ്റേഴ്‌സിന്റെ ഇമിഗ്രേഷൻ ഡിപ്പാർട്ട്‌മെന്റിന് വിപുലമായ അനുഭവമുണ്ട്.


നിങ്ങൾക്ക് എന്തെങ്കിലും ചോദ്യങ്ങളുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ, ഇന്ന് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഇമിഗ്രേഷൻ ടീമിനെ 0035314062862 എന്ന നമ്പറിലോ എന്ന നമ്പറിലോ ബന്ധപ്പെടാൻ മടിക്കരുത്.