മോട്ടോർബൈക്ക് അപകടങ്ങൾ
Unfortunately motorcycle accidents can lead to extremely serious personal injuries including catastrophic injuries.
Motorcycle Accident claim
Unfortunately motorcycle accidents can lead to extremely serious personal injuries including catastrophic injuries. This is because of the vulnerability of the motorcyclist on the roads and the lack of any protection apart from suitable motorcycle attire.
Motorcycle accident claims have become very common especially in Dublin because of the increased number of motorcycle users in the last ten years. The number of motorcyclists has increased because of the volume of traffic and it is generally considered a quicker mode of transport to travelling by car.
What to do when you have a motorcycle accident
If you have been involved in a Road Traffic Accident that was not your fault, then you may be entitled to claim compensation in respect of the injuries sustained. Make sure to get in touch with a Personal Injury Solicitor to asses your claim. Sinnott’s Personal Injury Solicitors have an experienced team who can help you with your case.
Injuries sustained to motorcyclists are generally a lot more serious than other types of injuries in connection with other motor vehicles and therefore the compensation payable in respect of injuries sustained as a result of a motorcycle accident is generally higher.
The following non-exhaustive list sets out the matters which you should attend to in the event that you have a motorcycle accident with a compensation claim:
- Immediately obtain details of the other drivers to the accident, their vehicles and their insurance details.
- Contact the Gardai immediately and ask them to attend the scene of the accident.
- If there are any witnesses to the accident you should take details of those witnesses.
- You should immediately seek medical attention and retain all records of Doctors that you attend.
- Retain all receipts in respect of medical attendances and prescriptions and medication.
- Talk to your Solicitor who will prepare your claim for lodging with the Injuries Board.

Types of injuries associated with motorcycle accidents
Injuries sustained as a result of motorcycle accidents can be physical as well as psychological. If you have sustained physical and/or psychological injuries you are entitled to claim compensation for those injuries.
Psychological injuries are common in relation to Claimants who have been involved in motorcycle accidents because of the level of impact and lack of protection of the motorcycle user.
Psychological injuries associated with motorcycle accidents can include claims for nervous shock, post-traumatic stress claims and/or other psychological injuries.
Symptoms in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident for psychological injuries can include sleeplessness, nervousness, impotence, loss of confidence, nightmares and panic attacks.
Physical injuries associated with motorcycle accident claims are generally more serious because of the level of impact.
Typically injuries sustained as a result of motorcycle accidents can include head injuries and brain injuries, soft tissue injuries and bruising, broken bones, facial injuries, fatal injuries, loss of limbs, spinal injuries and the usual joint injuries which can affect the neck, shoulder, back, arm and legs.
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