Personal Injury Claims*

Welcome to our Injury Law Knowledge Centre.

At Sinnott Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin and Cork, we believe that a fully informed client is our ideal client. That’s why we believe in sharing the legal knowledge with you for free on this website so that you can be clear about everything to do with injury claims including likelihood of success, the process, the compensation amounts and the legal fees. Here you will find comprehensive guides to compensation case types in Ireland.

Some More Information

Many employees are involved in workplace accidents which cause them to suffer injuries.  They types of workplace accidents that we come across are mainly due to a hazard that exists within the workplace, unsafe work practices and a general lack of the duty of care on the part of the employer.

We have acted for many Chefs, Kitchen Porters, Construction Workers, Store Assistants, Clerical Workers, Factory Workers and professionals working within industrial sectors in order to achieve for them compensation for their injuries.  Generally speaking, an employee who wishes to take a case against their employer for injuries relating to a work accident must prove that the accident was the fault of the employer and that the employer should have exercised a greater degree of care in relation to the employee.  Compensation for work accidents generally would include a claim for loss of earnings if the employee is absent from work as a result of the work accident.  Sometimes, an employee may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of a work accident.  Compensation for psychological injuries as a result of work accidents would include, for example, compensation for any post traumatic stress disorder.  We have acted for many employees that have been involved in workplace accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of a workplace accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking your claim.

Many construction workers and employees of construction companies are involved in workplace accidents causing them to suffer personal injuries.  We come across many building site accidents and we deal with compensation claims for those involved.  In order to claim compensation for a building site accident, it is necessary to prove that the accident was caused by a failure of the duty of care of the employer.  Building sites are generally very hazardous environments and there are many regulations and laws which must be upheld by employers.  The Health & Safety Authority is heavily involved in the regulation of safety in respect of building sites and will generally inspect the site of an accident reported to the Health & Safety Authority.  If you have been involved in a building site accident and require compensation for your injuries, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with any compensation claim.  Compensation for building site accidents can also include compensation for loss of earnings if the Claimant is not in a position to work for a period of time as a result of the accident.  Compensation can also include compensation for psychological injuries in connection with the building site accident in certain circumstances.  If you have been involved in a building site accident, we strongly recommend that the accident is reported immediately and that an incident report is filed with your appropriate superiors.

Many Claimants seeking compensation for slips, trips and falls cases can arise in a variety of ways.  Many slips, trips and falls occur due to spillage, uneven surfaces or any hazard which is present which causes a Claimant an injury.  Generally speaking, if a hazard is allowed to develop or continue and if it is quite clear that the presence of the hazard may be the cause of an accident, the Defendant will be deemed to have breached its duty of care to a Claimant in those circumstances.  The vast majority of injury claims that come before the Courts are in relation to slips, trips and falls in a variety of circumstances.  In order to make a claim for compensation for injuries sustained by slips, trips and falls, it is necessary to prove that the liability rests with the Defendant by allowing the hazard to either develop or continue in circumstances where the Defendant ought to have known that the hazard would cause an accident.  If you have been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.  Slips, trips and falls can occur in a variety of circumstances and places such as supermarkets, at work, schools, public places, footpaths amongst others.  If you wish to take a case in relation to a slip, trip or fall, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you in taking a claim for compensation.  A clam for compensation for personal injuries in respect of a slip, trip or fall accident may also include a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant was out of work as a result of the accident.  In certain circumstances, a Claimant may be entitled to take a claim for psychological injuries associated with the slip, trip or fall accident.  Such psychological injuries could include a claim for post traumatic stress disorder in certain circumstances.

Some More Information

Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork have acted for hundreds of Claimants over the years who have sustained accidents on footpaths and pavements.  The types of footpath and pavement accidents that we come across are mainly due to a hazard that exists because of the unsafe nature of the area.  Generally speaking, work has been done around the area which renders the footpath or pavement unsafe.

In order to prove liability to obtain compensation for a footpath accident case, it is necessary to prove that the accident was not caused by general wear and tear to the area but that the accident was caused because of work that had been carried out which left the area in an unsafe condition for pedestrians.

Types of injuries resulting from footpath accidents

The injuries that we come across from those that have been injured in footpath accidents are generally serious injuries such as sprained ankles, broken wrists and damage to the teeth and mouth area.  When a Claimant slips or trips on a footpath, the fall generally happens suddenly and the impact is significant.  From our experience of these claims, we have noticed a trend that Claimant’s either trip and fall hitting their face area or get their foot caught in the hazard causing leg and ankle injuries.

Compensation for footpath accidents

Compensation for footpath accidents generally would include general damages for pain and suffering, a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant is absent from work as a result of the footpath accident and in certain cases, a Claimant may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of the accident depending on the circumstances.

We have acted for many Claimants who have been involved in pavement and footpath accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of a footpath accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking your claim.

Accidents in Shopping Centres are now very commonplace in Ireland.  We have acted for a number of Claimants over the years that have been involved in trips, slips and falls in Shopping Centres.  We have also acted for Claimants who were involved in elevator and lift accidents in Shopping Centres that caused them to sustain injuries requiring compensation.

Generally speaking, Claimants who sustain injuries as a result of a Shopping Centre accident sustain injuries as a result of tripping or falling on a hazard either in the common areas of the Shopping Centre or in a particular store.  Employees that work in Shopping Centres frequently sustain injuries and claim compensation for those injuries whether the injuries arise during the course of their work or throughout the Shopping Centre where they spend significant time.

Compensation for Shopping Centre Accidents

Compensation for Shopping Centre accidents generally would include a claim for general damages for pain and suffering, a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant is absent from work as a result of the Shopping Centre accident and in some cases a Claimant may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of the Shopping Centre accident.

We have acted for many Claimants that have been involved in Shopping Centre accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of a Shopping Centre accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking that claim.

Accidents in Supermarkets are now very commonplace in Ireland.  We have acted for a number of Claimants over the years that have been involved in trips, slips and falls in Supermarkets.  We have also acted for Claimants who were involved in elevator and lift accidents in Supermarkets that caused them to sustain injuries requiring compensation.

Generally speaking, Claimants who sustain injuries as a result of a Supermarket accidents sustain injuries as a result of tripping or falling on a hazard in the Supermarket such a spilled liquid or over a poorly placed object.  Employees that work in Supermarkets frequently sustain injuries and claim compensation for those injuries whether the injuries arise during the course of their work or throughout the Supermarket where they spend significant time.

Compensation for Supermarket Accidents

Compensation for Supermarket accidents generally would include a claim for general damages for pain and suffering, a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant is absent from work as a result of the Supermarket accident and in some cases a Claimant may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of the Supermarket accident.

We have acted for many Claimants that have been involved in Supermarket accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of a Supermarket accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking that claim.

Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork have acted for many Claimants over the years who have been injured as a result of an incident or accident occurring at a public event.  Those accidents are generally caused because of a lack of crowd control, slippery floors, poor security and unsafe environments which lead to hazards causing such accidents.  The number of public event claims is increasing along with the number of concerts, festivals and sporting and agricultural events in Ireland today.

In order to take a claim for compensation arising from injuries sustained at a public event, it would be necessary for the Claimant to prove that the accident was not their fault.  It would also be extremely important to obtain the witnesses to the accident, document the accident by taking photographs and videos, ensure that any CCTV is obtained and a report of the accident should be made to the event organiser.

Compensation for Public Event Accidents

Compensation for public event accidents generally would include a claim for general damages for pain and suffering, a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant is absent from work as a result of the public event accident and in certain cases, a Claimant may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of the public event accident.  Compensation for psychological injuries as a result of a public event accident would include for example, compensation for any post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork have acted for many Claimants that have been involved in public event accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of a public event accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking that claim.

Amusement Park accidents refer to serious injuries or deaths that occur at parks or amusement parks.  Parks and amusement parks can pose a very significant threat to Claimants if the appropriate safety procedures are not followed.  Injuries that occur in amusement parks or park can vary considerably and can include head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, back, neck and shoulder injuries and psychological injuries.

Amusement park accidents are very common in Theme Parks and in order to take a compensation claim for an amusement park accident, the Claimant must prove that the accident was caused by the negligence of the organisation or owner.  Once negligence is present, a Claimant may be entitled to seek compensation for injuries.

Compensation for Amusement Park and Fun Park Accidents

Compensation for Amusement Park and park injuries generally would include a claim for general damages for pain and suffering, a claim for loss of earnings if the Claimant is absent from work as a result of the Amusement Park or fun park accident and in certain cases, a Claimant may be entitled to claim for psychological injuries as a result of the park or Amusement Park accident.

Generally speaking, children and teenagers are the most common Claimant for Theme Park and Amusement Park accidents.  There is a high legal duty on Amusement Parks to provide a duty of care to those who enter their premises.

We have acted for Claimants that have been involved in Amusement Park and Fun park accidents over the years and if you have sustained injuries as a result of such an accident for which you require compensation, Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork can assist you with taking your claim.

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സിന്നോട്ട് സോളിസിറ്റേഴ്സ് ഡബ്ലിൻ & കോർക്കിലാണ് സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്നത്, നിങ്ങളുടെ വ്യക്തിഗത പരിക്കിന്റെ ക്ലെയിമിൽ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് വ്യക്തിഗത പരിക്ക് സോളിസിറ്റർമാരുടെ ഒരു വിദഗ്ധ സംഘം ഉണ്ട്.

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