Slip, Trip and Fall Claims
When you are an employee of a company, it is your employer’s job to protect you and provide a safe environment.
Failure to do this could result in workplace injuries and damage.
Your employer should be taking all of the necessary steps to ensure that you are safe while you perform your duties and responsibilities. This also includes ensuring that you have adequate training for any given tasks.
There may also be the instance in which you suffer a personal injury due to a slip, trip or fall.
When these kinds of public accidents occur, you have the right to make a claim for compensation. You should never have to worry about experiencing a workplace injury, so if one does occur ensure that you get the right justice for it.
You can also experience public accidents when in another company’s place of business, general facilities and educational establishments.
At Sinnott Solicitors, you can find the right kind of help to get compensation for your slip, trip or fall claim.
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What is a slip, trip and fall claim?
A slip, trip and fall claim is when you seek out compensation for personal injury you have sustained caused by a defect or negligence.
You may endure a slip, trip or fall in public spaces or the workplace. These mishaps can then lead to bad injuries and suffering for the victim.
These kinds of injuries are among the most common in Ireland, mostly happening in the workplace. This is why many private companies will have procedures to prevent such injuries from occurring.
Common slip, trip and fall claims
It can be very easy for a slip, trip or fall to occur. Unfortunately, they can lead to some serious injuries.
Making a claim can help you receive the compensation to help. Some common claims involving slip, trips and falls include the following:
Objects falling from above claim
Objects falling from above can cause serious injury to anyone who is struck. This is an instance that can occur in private businesses, public places or in the workplace.
An object falling from above is likely caused by negligence, so you have the right to a claim.
Not to mention that an object falling from above could lead to a very serious head injury.
Unsteady surface claim
If you are walking unknowingly on an unsteady surface, then there is the potential for you to slip, trip or fall. Again, this is an instance that could lead to a very painful and damaging injury.
When you experience such a thing, you should make a claim to get compensated for your injuries.
Unsafe work environment claim
It is important that your employer is putting in regular precautions in order to avoid workplace injuries. If your employer is not doing this, then you may be in an unsafe work environment.
An unsafe work environment can lead to slips, trips and falls. If you feel this is the reason why you have experienced injury, then be sure to make a claim.
Lack of training claim
If you have responsibilities in your workplace that could potentially be hazardous, then you need to be trained in the right way.
This is even the case if you are lifting somewhat heavy items. All employees should be taught manual handling.
Without adequate training, you have the potential to experience workplace injuries.
Hazards in public claim
There may be an instance where when you are in public, there are hazards that could cause slips, trips or falls.
If you have sustained an injury this way, it is important that you file for a claim.
Lack of signs and warnings claim
When there are public hazards, it is important that if they cannot be removed to be well sign posted. This is the case when you are both in public and in the workplace.
Some examples of this include wet floor signs and uneven surface signs.
Lack of protective equipment claim
If you are given a task by an employer, then they should provide you with any equipment you might need.
Without the correct protective equipment, you could endure a serious injury. In this unfortunate circumstance, you should make a claim.
Compensation for slip trip and fall claims
You can file a claim whenever you feel that you have experienced an unjust slip, trip or fall. When you are filing a claim, you are doing so with the purpose of compensation in mind.
What are you compensated for?
You can be compensated for different things when you file for a slip, trip or fall claim. These forms of compensation are largely divided into two types of damage.
Who is eligible for compensation?
Anyone who has wrongfully endured a slip, trip or fall is eligible for compensation.
You can be eligible for compensation following an accident that has occurred in the workplace, a public setting, or a private business site.
In order to receive compensation, you will have had to have made a successful claim. The best chance of making a successful claim will come when you enlist the help of a solicitor.
Slip, trip and fall workplace accident claims
Slip, trip and fall claims are common in the workplace and may be serious enough to result in a workplace accident claim.
Employers have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy workplace for their workers, as well as providing adequate training to prevent injury.
If you have been the victim of a workplace injury in Dublin, Cork or the surrounding areas, Sinnotts Solicitors have a team or solicitors who specialise in workplace injury claims.
Get in touch today to find out who much you can claim.
Who is responsible for a workplace accident?
In the instance of a slip, trip or fall in the workplace, your employer is going to be the responsible party.
It is their duty to ensure that you are safe and protected at all times when you are working and under their employment.
Can you lose your job for making a claim?
No, you cannot lose your job for making a claim against your employer. When you endure a workplace injury, you are within your right to make a claim.
If you were to lose your job as the result of making a claim, this would be considered an unfair dismissal. This is something you could also make a claim against.
Slip, trip and fall in public claims
Slip trips and falls regularly happen in public places and it is often not the fault of the injured party. Injuries can often be serious enough to result in a public accident claim.
The local authorities have a responsibility to keep public areas safe.
If you have been the victim of an injury in a public place in Dublin, Cork or the surrounding areas, Sinnotts Solicitors specialise in helping people make public accident claims.
Get in touch today to find out how much you can claim for your injury.
Who is responsible?
If you have experienced your public injury while being in a business or educational institution, then said company is responsible for your damage.
If you have experienced your public injury while walking on a path, in a park or other public spaces, then whoever is responsible for maintaining said location is responsible.
When you bring your claim to a solicitor, they will be able to outline exactly who the responsible party is going to be.
How to make a claim for personal injury
Making a claim for any personal injury that you have endured is important. The compensation that you receive could go a long way in your future.
In order to make a claim for personal injury, use the following steps:
Claim time limit
You will have two years from the day that you become knowledgeable of your injuries to make your claim. In most cases, this is the same day in which the slip, trip or fall has occurred.
It is good to not wait too long before making a claim however. The fresher the claim is, the better the chance of success is going to be.
This will also make evidence more effective and relevant.
ഇന്ന് ഒരു അവകാശവാദം ഉന്നയിക്കുക
If you have been the victim of a Slip, Trip and Fall Claim, Sinnotts solicitors are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.
With offices in Dublin and Cork we serve all of Ireland through their claim process.
Get in touch today to start your personal injury claim for compensation.
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