രേഖകളില്ലാത്ത കുടിയേറ്റക്കാരുടെ അവസ്ഥ ക്രമപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിന് നിർദ്ദേശിച്ച പദ്ധതി

ഫിയന്ന ഫെയ്‌ലും ഫൈൻ ഗെയ്‌ലും ഗ്രീൻ പാർട്ടിയും തമ്മിലുള്ള സർക്കാർ രൂപീകരണ ചർച്ചകളുടെ ഭാഗമായി, നിലവിൽ അയർലണ്ടിൽ താമസിക്കുന്ന 17,000 വരെ രേഖകളില്ലാത്ത കുടിയേറ്റക്കാരുടെ സ്റ്റാറ്റസ് ക്രമപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള ചർച്ചകൾ നടക്കുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന് സിന്നോട്ട് സോളിസിറ്റേഴ്‌സ് മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു. ഇതൊരു വലിയ വികസനമാണ്, അവതരിപ്പിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ അത് ഒരു മികച്ച പദ്ധതിയായിരിക്കും [...]

Immigration service delivery FAQ document 10 May 2020

The Immigration Service Delivery published another FAQ document regarding the Impact of COVID-19 on Immigration and International Protection on the 20th of May 2020. The document provides further clarification on areas such as citizenship, defacto partners and spouses of Irish citizens and visas. As a lot of new information is contained in this document, we [...]

Court of appeal order reconsideration of citizenship refusal

The Court of Appeal delivered an important judgment on the 12th of May in the case of  Talla v Minister for Justice and Equality (2020) IECA 135. The decision is an important precedent for individuals applying for citizenship who have been convicted of road traffic offences, or who may have come to the attention of [...]

Update Regarding Temporary Extension of Immigration Permissions

The Department of Justice and Equality released a supplemental FAQ document regarding the impact of Covid-19 on Immigration and International Protection on the 13th of May 2020. The most important information contained in the update relates to Immigration and International Protection permissions expiring between 20th March 2020 and 20th July 2020.   Individuals whose immigration permission [...]

Immigration Service Delivery FAQ Document 27 April 2020

The Immigration Service Delivery published an updated FAQ document regarding the Impact of COVID-19 on Immigration and International Protection on the 27th of April. The primary difference between this and the previous FAQ document published on the 15th of April 2020 is that the updated FAQ confirms that holders of Working Holiday Authorisations are included [...]

Immigration service delivery announce temporary arrangements

Another day, another COVID-19 announcement – this time in relation to change of permission applications. The Immigration Service Delivery have announced a temporary arrangement whereby applications for a change in certain immigration permissions can be submitted electronically to the Registration Office, Burgh Quay, Dublin 2. Applications for a change in the following permissions are being [...]

Stamp 0 Permission to Remain in the State for Persons of Independent Means

Stamp 0 permission to remain is a low-level immigration permission granted to people of independent financial means to reside in the State on a temporary basis.  The reference to “0” is quite metaphorical in that it is a low-level immigration permission which gives the holder no permanent residence, employment or social assistance rights.  It is [...]

Venezuela and Immigration to Ireland

The UNHCR has recently reported that people continue to leave Venezuela in order to escape violence, insecurity and threats not to mention the lack of food, medicine and essential services.  It is reported that over 4 million Venezuelans are now living abroad which represents the largest exodus in the region’s recent history.  Regrettably, ongoing difficulties [...]

Third Level Graduate Programme COVID-19 Update

The Immigration Service Delivery have helpfully announced a revised temporary measure for non-EEA national students seeking to avail of the Third Level Graduate Programme. Instead of attending the GNIB in Dublin or local immigration offices around the country for registration, applications for a Stamp 1G immigration permission can now be submitted electronically to GNIB at [...]

Covid-19 immigration update from Government departments 18 March 2020

Here is the latest news on the impacts of the evolving COVID-19 crisis in relation to Irish Immigration matters as announced by the relevant Government Departments. EU TREATY RIGHTS APPLICATIONS EUFAM4 Residence card holders (including Permanent Residence Cards) whose permission to remain in the State is due to expire between now and the 29th March [...]

മുകളിലേക്ക് പോകുക