The Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail has announced significant changes to the Employment Permits system from January 2024.
The main changes include:
- 11 Occupations added to the Critical Skills list
- 32 Occupations removed from the Ineligible Occupations list
- Salary threshold for General Employment Permits to increase from €30,000 to €34,000 per annum from 17th January 2024
- Salary threshold for Critical Skills Employment Permits with a degree to increase from €32,000 to €38,000 per annum from 17th January 2024
- Salary threshold for Healthcare Assistants and Home Carers to increase from €27,000 to €30,000 and Horticultural Workers and Meat Processors salary requirement to increase from €22,000 to €30,000 from 17th January 2024
- Extension of quotas for dairy farm assistants, butcher/deboners, meat processors and horticultural workers from 17th January 2024
Where a Labour Market Needs test is required for a General Employment Permit application, the advertisement will need to include the amended salary thresholds.
Salary thresholds will further increase in January 2025 and again in January 2026 for certain permits.
Se puede leer el aviso completo aquí.
Sinnott Solicitors Dublin y Cork cuentan con un equipo dedicado de abogados y consultores de inmigración que son expertos en todos los asuntos de inmigración irlandeses, incluidos los permisos de trabajo irlandeses y las visas de trabajo. Si tiene alguna consulta sobre el contenido de este artículo o necesita ayuda con su solicitud de permiso de trabajo, no dude en comunicarse con nuestras oficinas hoy en o 014062862