The Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail has announced significant changes to the Employment Permits system from January 2024.

The main changes include:

  • 11 Occupations added to the Critical Skills list
  • 32 Occupations removed from the Ineligible Occupations list
  • Salary threshold for General Employment Permits to increase from €30,000 to €34,000 per annum from 17th January 2024
  • Salary threshold for Critical Skills Employment Permits with a degree to increase from €32,000 to €38,000 per annum from 17th January 2024
  • Salary threshold for Healthcare Assistants and Home Carers to increase from €27,000 to €30,000 and Horticultural Workers and Meat Processors salary requirement to increase from €22,000 to €30,000 from 17th January 2024
  • Extension of quotas for dairy farm assistants, butcher/deboners, meat processors and horticultural workers from 17th January 2024

Where a Labour Market Needs test is required for a General Employment Permit application, the advertisement will need to include the amended salary thresholds.

Salary thresholds will further increase in January 2025 and again in January 2026 for certain permits.

O aviso completo pode ser lido aqui.

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