Pedestrian Accidents
Compensation for a pedestrian hit by a vehicle may cover the psychological injuries sustained and the physical injuries sustained in the course of the accident.
Pedestrian Road traffic Accident Claim
If you are involved in a pedestrian accident which was not your fault then you may be entitled to make a personal injury compensation claim. Compensation for a pedestrian hit by a vehicle in a road traffic accident may cover the psychological injuries sustained and the physical injuries sustained in the course of the accident.
Due to the vulnerability of pedestrians on the road, the psychological injuries are often greater than those in other road traffic accident claims. A person will also claim compensation for their physical injuries which may vary on a case by case basis.
If you have been a pedestrian involved in a road traffic accident, get in touch with a personal injury solicitor. Sinnott’s Personal Injury Solicitors have an experienced team that can help you with any case in Dublin or Cork.
Compensation for a Road Traffic Injury Claim can help cover the cost of:
- Medical expenses
- Loss of earnings
- Loss of future earning
- Damage to personal belongings
- Pain suffered and change to quality of life
How do Pedestrian Road Accident Claims happen
Pedestrian accidents can happen in a number of different ways. Pedestrian accident claims can arise from pedestrian accidents on country roads and pedestrian accidents in towns and cities. The most common pedestrian accident occurs when a pedestrian is truck by a vehicle causing injury to the pedestrian giving rise to pedestrian accident claims. A number of our cases concern pedestrian accident claims and such claims are a lot more common than one might think.
What to do when you have an accident as a pedestrian?
- Prepare the case for lodging with the Injuries Board.
- Sinnott Solicitors Dublin and Cork will be in a position to assist you to lodge your claim with the Injuries Board and to help you achieve the maximum compensation available.
- Every pedestrian accident claim for compensation must be accompanied by appropriate medical evidence in the form of medical reports from a GP and possibly an Orthopaedic Surgeon and a Psychiatrist depending on the presence or otherwise of psychological injuries.

Pedestrian are susceptible to serious injury
Pedestrian accidents can result in very serious injuries because of the level of exposure of the pedestrian. Pedestrians do not have appropriate protection such as helmets or protective gear.
Therefore when a pedestrian comes in contact with a moving vehicle, the injuries are generally very serious.
Pedestrians should wear high visibility protective clothing whilst out walking in poor light or a night time and often the lack of high visibility clothing can reduce the amount of compensation that the pedestrian is entitled to obtain in connection with their pedestrian accident claim (your health is more important than your wealth!).
Road Safety Authority Pedestrian accident statistics
The most recent statistics published by the Road Safety Authority [pdf] in relation to pedestrian accidents are those for the period relating to January to December 2013.
Out of 190 fatalities, there were 31 pedestrians killed. The highest number of pedestrian accident fatalities was in Dublin. Countrywide there was an increase in pedestrian fatalities from 29 to 32. The most dangerous time on the road for pedestrians is from 2pm to 6pm.
Often those involved in pedestrian accidents find themselves unable to return to work in a speedy manner or unable to carry out certain tasks that they would have previously undertaken prior to the accident.
As a result of the vulnerability of pedestrians, the psychological injuries sustained by pedestrians involved in pedestrian accidents are often greater than those sustained in normal road traffic accident claims – and therefore so are typical compensation amounts paid out.
Get the compensation you deserve
Sinnott Solicitors are located in Dublin & Cork